Toni Burrough, Author |
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A Joke For People Like Me
24 September 2009 A very close friend of mine sent this joke to me. Since I’m the oldest, I thought it was appropriate for me to be the one to share it with the world. TELL ME THIS WON'T HAPPEN TO US!!!! An elderly Floridian called 911 on her cell phone to report that her car had been broken into. She’s hysterical as she explains her situation to the dispatcher. They've stolen the stereo, the steering wheel, the brake pedal and even the accelerator! She cried. The dispatcher said "Stay calm an officer is on the way". A few minutes later the officer radios in "Disregard she got in the back seat by mistake". TELL ME THIS WON’T HAPPEN TO US!!!! "Oops too late". Toni Burrough @ 10:25 | Permanent link
In Remembrance of You
30 June 2009 I heard talk about you, how you loved to play around as children do How you saved a child’s life from cancer, you were more then a singer or a dancer Just by taking the time you made him feel important too He had to feel that way while walking and talking with you Yes I heard talk about you How you love animals and let them run free, not trying to harm or kill them to impress me How you transcend time with just your music and your rhymes Yes I’ve heard many things about you How you dance on stage while you would sing Just gliding across as if you had wings I heard talk about you I heard how you love and trust children I love and trust them too They won’t tell lies or try to find ways to deceive you Today I heard that you had crossed over to the other side Now you are dancing and singing in the heavens above As you leave us behind to mourn the man that we loved May You Rest in Peace administrator @ 17:17 | Permanent link
A Letter to the World
11 April 2008 A letter to the World Because our stories are written in English, we have often wondered if many of you could read the captions. Thanks to Google and my partner and friend, Stephen, from Sophia Solutions, that should no longer be a worry. We have decided to acknowledge all possible countries by breaking the language barrier and making "My Dolls Story" become international. We can now say, "Hello to the World." We pray and hope you will continue to enjoy our many stories, as much as we enjoy bringing them to you. Don't forget that you can let us know what you think of "Our Doll Stories." So let's communicate. We're looking forward to hearing from you. Toni Burrough and your friends at administrator @ 14:14 | Permanent link
And The Lord Answered Her Cry
12 March 2008 New pictures have been added to And The Lord Answered Her Cry in celebration of my son Luke's forty first birthday March 12th. administrator @ 15:03 | Permanent link
The Greatest Gift That I Can Give to You
3 March 2008 The Greatest Gift That I Can Give to You: We have one woman to thank for that, while we sat back and let it happened. Her name was Madalyn Murray O'Hair. She was an atheist that didn't want her sons to be forced to pray. Ms. O'Hair felt that was going against their constructional rights. I guess that's why I wasn't surprised when I saw her story on American Justice\ Crime Stories. Ms. O'Hair, her son who was now grown and her granddaughter by another son had been killed by a man who happened to have worked as an office manager in their atheist organization one year prior. He kidnapped them and held them in a hotel room while he made her son withdraw all of their money from their business account. They said it was over seven hundred thousand dollars. I often wonder if she called on God as she and her family sat tied up, when knowing that this man was going to kill them. I wonder while they were feeling helpless did they also feel hopeless without God being in their lives. I found myself feeling sad for them and then it came to me that they had fulfilled their destiny and the price they paid was high. I've always felt what Ms. O'Hair did was wrong and now I want to try to set the record straight by having prayer put back into our public schools. Prayer is a reminder to us that no matter who we are, where we are, or what we are doing, there is someone far greater than ourselves that we have to answer to. Once prayer was taken out of our public schools, our children were placed in danger. Weapons started showing up in their lockers. The next thing we knew our children started killing their teachers and their classmates. For those who weren't killed, their lives were ruined and once again they had fulfilled their destiny and the price they paid was high. Our government is now removing everything that has God's name in or on it. This is their way of separating church from state. Then our government and our people were attacked by another country. They highjacked a few of our planes and flew two of them into two of our tallest buildings in one of our busiest cities. They were government buildings and they were full of men, women and children of all nationalities and most of them were killed on that dreadful day. When horrible things happen like attacking another country, it is the innocent people who pay for our mistakes and once again they had fulfilled their destiny and the price they paid was high. There is no real separation of church and state. Our forefathers knew this, that's why they put God's name in and on everything that they could, not thinking that one day we would have it removed. The Bible is the book of our history and it is also the book of our laws. It teaches us to put God first, to put Him in all that we do and to love Him with all of our hearts. It also teaches us that our God is a jealous God. What did we think He would do when we started removing His name? We haven't fulfilled our destiny as of yet, so I wonder, will there be a high price for us to pay? Toni Burrough Toni Burrough @ 11:30 | Permanent link
A letter to My Friends
3 March 2008 A letter to My Friends Toni Burrough @ 11:25 | Permanent link
March 2006 -- Never Talk To Strangers published
18 July 2006 ATLANTA -- March 2006 admin @ 19:18 | Permanent link
February 2006 -- Friends Are Fore...Ever Published
17 July 2006 ATLANTA -- February, 2006 Webmaster @ 18:37 | Permanent link |
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